

General Comments
Thank you for your interest in advertising with us. UplandLife.com represents a unique channel through which to reach prospective customers and partners. Our audience is passionate, informed, and seeks to spend their money with and find information provided by those merchants and services that conduct themselves in a sincere, professional, and honest way. There's a reason this web site is not littered with garish flashing banner ads and pop-up windows: we don't like them, and we know our visitors don't like them. If your advertising philosophy is also based on nuanced, targeted communication to a very specific demographic, then UplandLife.com may be good venue for your message. We can also help with professional and creative services should you need a custom ad, content hosting, on-site photography, or other support.

We prefer to understand the nature of your business and your campaign expectations before quoting rates. We can insert your ad into a variety of material (popular areas include The Encyclopedia Uplandia and The Online Upland Cookbook), or limit it only to content that is very, very narrowly focused (such as an article on a particular topic, or a review of a nearby shooting preserve). Your marketing presence within UplandLife.com may be more appropriately shaped as a listing in a directory, or even a simple link within some other information. That, or you may choose to sponsor an entire section of the site for a period of time. Such options can range from extremely minimal investments (less than $20/month) up to substantial seasonal partnership arrangements, which can involve some negotiation. We encourage you to contact us so that we can start sharing your message with our visitors and keeping the web working for your business.

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