
Upland Hunting Dogs

   Flushing Dogs
Flushing Dogs
Pointing Dogs
Pointing Dogs
For many bird hunters, their relationship with their dog is the single most challenging and rewarding part of the lifestyle. Is there such a thing as a great day of bird hunting without a bird dog? Sure. Is there a bird hunter alive that would turn down a chance to hunt over a talented, well-mannered canine companion? Not likely.

If you've never seen a well-bred, well-trained bird dog working a field, you've missed out on a great joy. There's almost nothing more thrilling than watching a mature gun dog use wind, wit, stamina, and teamwork to deliver up a dinner-worthy bird to his master. Like so many other aspects of upland hunting, preference for breed, bloodline, hunting style, training/handling techniques, and all of the related gear take on an almost religious gravity. The true Uplander recognizes that every breed exists for a reason, and knows that as long as the hunter and dog are both happy with what they do, they're doing the right thing.

In this area of the web site, you can explore the main classes up upland breeds, get an overview on how they're used in the field, and understand key concepts in training, health, and life with these atheletes away from the field.

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