Upland Hunting Dog Breeds
Varying upland terrain, climates, game, hunter interests, handling skills,
seasons, budgets, family history, aesthetic sensibilities - these things all
steer uplanders towards one breed or another.
For most upland hunters, hunting style is the biggest consideration. Whether
they grew up watching English Springers flushing out meadows, or once
saw a friend's GSP stylishly point out the proverbial needle among the
haystacks - some hunters' expectations are set by what they've come
to think of as "the" type of dog to have. Others may have
recently moved away from the plains - where big running dogs have
square miles to work - to the woodlands of the eastern seaboard, where
quail-housing bushes are mere feet apart. Such a change of venue
can change a hunter's entire thinking about breeds or about bloodlines
within a breed.
This page links to further material about each of the major uppland bird
dogs. You'll find the breed's written standard (as recorded by the
American Kennel Club),
links to the national breed clubs, and more.